These dances are done with just the one partner. Some of them can be made progressive if desired.Usually start with everyone facing anticlockwise around the hall, women on the right of their partner.
Last modified 23 February 2020
Evening 3 Step 16 bar march Start facing along line of dance holding partner's inside hand A1 (4) Outside foot start, go forward 3 steps then tap your inside foot (4) Solo twirl to swap places with partner (men going behind the women), take other inside hand and tap your (new) inside foot (4) Solo twirl back the other way (men behind again), tap your inside foot (4) 3 steps backward, tap your outside foot A2 (2) Skip along line of dance, face to face with partner (2) Skip along line of dance, back to back with partner (4) Facing partner and holding both hands, 2 sliding steps along line of dance (8) Short polka In A1, the foot that taps is the foot that the next move starts with (so just tap the foot, don’t leave it on the floor).
Gypsy Tap 6/8 marches (eg Liberty Bell or Repasz Band) Medium A1 (4) In ballroom hold, side together, side together (to man's left) (4) Walk 3 steps and close (same direction, outside foot first) (8) Repeat in the same direction A2 (16) Repeat in the other direction (to the man's right). Finish facing line of dance holding inside hands B1 (4) 2 slow steps forward (with an optional tap of the other foot) (4) Solo turn (turn away from partner) (8) Repeat the slow steps and solo turn B2 (4) Forward, 2, 3, kick (4) Back, 2, 3, close (8) Circular waltz
Manchester Galop 32 bar jig or polka (the original tune is a jig) Easy A1 (8) In ballroom hold, 4 slow sliding steps into the centre (8) 8 quick steps to go out again (note: don't change your hold or turn around, just turn your heads to face the other way) A2 (16) Repeat A1 B (32) Polka around the hall
Maxina Music: Own tune, 24 bars Medium Start in the over the shoulder promenade hold (left in left, right in right, woman's hands just above her shoulder height) (numbers in parentheses are bar counts) (2) Rock forward and back twice, left foot start (for everyone) (2) Forward, 2, 3, kick, back, 2, 3, close (1) 2 slow steps forward (left foot start) (1) Pivot and go back for 3 steps (1) 2 slow steps forward (right foot start) (1) Pivot and go back for 3 steps (4) Grapevine: facing more-or-less the middle of the hall (with partner next to you), cross your left foot in front of your right foot, then bring up your right foot and close. Then cross left foot behind your right foot, bring up your right foot and close. That is one grapevine step. Do 4 of these. Finish facing along line of dance (1) 2 slow steps forward (1) 4 quick steps back (the first step back is done by crossing your left foot over your right) (2) Repeat (1) 2 slow steps forward (1) Ladies turn out, take a ballroom hold (6) Circular waltz
Merry Widow 32 bar waltz Medium Start in the over the shoulder promenade hold (left in left, right in right, woman's hands just above her shoulder height) (numbers in parentheses are bar counts) A1 (2) 2 slow steps forward (left foot start) (2) 2 sliding steps diagonally left (4) Point your right foot in front, then to your right, then close, then dip (ie bend both knees) A2 (2) 2 slow steps backward (left foot start) (2) 3 quick steps back (left foot start) (2) Rock forward on your right, then back on your left (2) Forward on right, then bring up your left and close while turning right on the spot to face the outside, men directly behind their partner B1 (4) 2 sliding steps left, then right (3) Turn away from each other (men left, women right), turning a tight circle, meet and... (1) Bow B2 (8) Circular waltz This can be made progressive by the men looping back to the woman behind in B1
Parma Waltz 32 bar waltz Medium Start in the over the shoulder promenade hold (left in left, right in right, woman's hands just above her shoulder height) (numbers in parentheses are bar counts) A1 (2) 2 slow steps forward (left foot start) (2) Pivot and go back for 3 steps (2) 2 slow steps forward (right foot start) (2) Pivot and go back for 3 steps A2 (4) 4 slow steps forward (2) 2 sliding steps diagonally forward and left (2) 2 sliding steps diagonally forward and right B1 (4) Repeat those diagonal slides (2) 2 slow steps forward (2) Ladies turn out, take a ballroom hold B2 (8) Circular waltz This can be made progressive by the men moving on to a new partner in A2 (during the 4 slow steps forward).
Scottish Waltz 32 bar waltz Easy Start in the over the shoulder promenade hold (left in left, right in right, woman's hands just above her shoulder height) (numbers in parentheses are bar counts) A1 (5) 5 slow steps forward (left foot start) (3) Point and close: point right foot to your front right, then in front of you, then close A2 (4) 4 slow steps backward, left foot start (1) Forward on your left foot (3) Point and close. As you close, turn to your right so that you all have your backs to the centre of the room and the men are directly behind the women B1 (2) 2 sliding steps left (2) 2 sliding step right, then turn to face line of dance (2) 2 slow steps forward (2) Ladies turn out, take a ballroom hold B2 (8) Circular waltz This is basically a badly remembered version of the Merry Widow Waltz (although I actually prefer this one)
St Bernard's Waltz 32 bar waltz (St Bernard's Waltz) Easy Start in ballroom hold, mens backs to the centre (numbers in parentheses are bar counts) Pert 1 A1 (3) 3 sliding steps to the man's left (1) Stamp stamp (2 stamps on the spot, man starting right foot, woman left) (2) 2 sliding steps to the man's right (2) 2 steps into the centre (man backwards, woman forwards, man starts left foot, woman right) A2 (2) 2 steps back to the outside (2) Man takes 2 small sliding steps left while turning the lady under (mans left hand, womans right) (4) Circular waltz Part 2 Take cross hand hold (right in right, left in left, left hands on top) B1 (2) Step close, step kick (to man's left) (2) Step close, step kick (to man's right) (4) Repeat B2 (2) Step kick left, then right (2) Man takes 2 small sliding steps left while turning the lady under their joined left arms (4) Circular waltz Dancers may freely mix parts 1 and 2 as they see fit (many people only do part 1).
Southern Rose Waltz 32 bar waltz By Larry E. Taylor Note – figures in parentheses are bar counts rather than step counts Start in ballroom hold, men with backs to the middle of the circle A1 (3) 3 sliding steps along line of dance (1) Stamp stamp (on beats 2 and 3) (4) Woman turns under twice as the man takes 4 sliding steps along line of dance A2 (4) Repeat the 3 sliding steps and stamp stamp (4) Waltz B1 (4) Into centre: man starts backward on left foot, woman forward on right, 4 slow steps (4) And out again (woman backward). Finish facing along line of dance, still in ballroom hold (half open position) B2 (2) Outside foot start, take 2 walking steps forward. Retain weight on inside foot (so outside foot is free) (2) Tap outside foot in front, then put the same foot behind and dip (4) Waltz
Swedish Masquerade Music: march, waltz, polka (special tune) Easy March A (8) Facing anticlockwise around the hall and holding partner's inside hand, go forward for 7 slow steps. On 8, turn on the spot to face back the other way (8) 7 slow steps back. On 8, turn Waltz B (4) Holding partner's inside hand, balance (away and together) twice (4) Short waltz (8) Repeat the balances and waltz Polka C (8) Holding partner's inside hand, balance (step kick) twice (8) Short polka (16) Repeat the balances and polka
Valeta Waltz (16 bar sequence. 32 bar tune is fine) Easy A1 (2) Facing anticlockwise around the hall and holding partner's inside hand, balance away and together, take both hands (2) 2 sliding steps to the man's left, drop man's right/woman's left (2) Facing clockwise around the hall and holding partner's inside hand, balance away and together, take both hands (2) 2 sliding steps to the man's right. Take ballroom hold A2 (2) One waltz turn (2) 2 sliding steps along line of dance (4) 2 waltz turns
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